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Who Needs Unions? We All Do!

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Greedy corporations across this country—from airlines, to major retailers, to tech giants—are reaping record profits, while middle class wages are stagnant. It’s time to change the rules and fix an economy that’s out of balance. That’s where unions come in. A voice on the job and a union contract is still the best line of defense against employers denying you pay and benefits for the work you do. The TWU organizes to help represent our members at the bargaining table, to gain power in the workplace, and to help the union family grow. We believe that all working people should be treated with dignity and respect on the job.

U.S. Department of Labor statistics make it clear: across the board, union workers make more money than workers without union representation. In states with higher union density, the wage gap is smaller, as is the gap between the rich and the poor. For women and people of color, the difference is even more striking. Download our flier on the wage difference: English    Spanish

Unions will always be one of the last, best checks on corporate power, and one of the strongest ways to open a pathway toward a family-sustaining career and a better life overall. We all deserve a voice: In our communities. At home. In our families. At school. In our places of worship. At work.

Want a voice on the job? Then join a union.

Call now to contact an organizer: (786)586-7851

Despite right-to-work laws in many states, you still have the right to organize under federal law. We can help you navigate the complicated laws and workplace rules, and your local union will protect you on the shop floor with the full support of the TWU International.

If you feel your rights are being violated at work, or if you’re interested in learning more about organizing a union at your workplace, please call (786)586-7851. The TWU organizer who connects with you will keep your information and conversations strictly confidential.

You can also download our FAQ brochures below, to help answer any questions you may have about organizing in your sector.